The French did not invent perfume, but they certainly made it their own and produced some of the most well-known fragrances and Eau de parfum in the world. Paris and Grasse in Provence are the fundamental bases for French aroma make and are broadly viewed as the world capitals of fragrance. And if you ask anyone to name a perfume brand, they probably will immediately think of Chanel, Dior, Yves Saint Laurent, or Guerlain. France and Parfum in this way remain closely connected. Know more about paris perfume
Learn about the origins of French perfume.
The ancient Egyptians are said to have invented perfume, which they thought was associated with health and happiness. They became experts in embalming and creating scents for personal use. They even had a lord of scent, Nefertum. The perfume was also used by the Greeks and Romans in later times, primarily to mask unpleasant odors.
Jump advance a little in time and the historical backdrop of French scent starts. The first perfume factories were in France. Grasse was one of the country’s ugliest towns in the middle of the 1500s due to the stench of the leather tanning industry that permeated the air. The best-selling leather gloves had perfume sprayed on them to cover up the smell.
Did you realize? Lavender is a common scent in French perfumes and is abundant in Provence.
>>> Explore the fields of blue gold.
Like the majority of Europeans at the time, the French themselves smelt gold because few people washed their clothes often. Because of his aversion to water and that of his fellow Frenchmen, Louis XIV was only known to take a bath three times throughout his entire life. It came as no surprise that the French perfume industry became successful at masking human odor. Louis XV’s court, known as “la cour parfumée,” was the first to embrace the idea of putting perfume on oneself and everything around you.
Fact 1 about French perfume:
Scents made in France make up about 30% of the world’s perfume market, making France the global leader.
The capitals of French perfume
Not only did Grasse have to cover up its strong leather smell, but it was also easy to get the main ingredients for perfume. In Provence, jasmine, roses, and lavender are abundant, and the locals used them to distill scents, making the small town a major perfume industry hub.
However, by the eighteenth 100 years, the geology of scent and the specialty of perfumery moved to Paris. Parisian perfumers began experimenting with their scents after receiving raw materials from Grasse. Many well-known perfumers rose to prominence as a result, including Jean-Louis Fargeon. His creations, including the iconic Sillage de la Reine with its heady blend of tuberose, jasmine, orange blossom, and sandalwood, were adored by Marie Antoinette.